Purchasing with a Friend / Partner in Bristol

In some cases, a practical way to get on the property ladder as a first time buyer in Bristol or home mover in Bristol could be buying a home with a friend or partner. The deposit can be raised quicker and bigger than it would be from a single income, also the costs will be shared. It’s important to remember that if one defaults, the other could be responsible for the full mortgage. Therefore, here are some points to look out for from our mortgage broker in Bristol.

The facts – How many people can jointly own a property?

The maximum amount of people that can jointly co-own a property is four. When you jointly co-own a property, you have a legal right to stay in your home unless a court rules otherwise. Furthermore, if a person would like to sell or take out extra borrowing against the property this is something all owners will have to consent to. Unless a court order state otherwise.

Joint tenancy or tenancy in common – what’s the difference?

Civil partnerships or married couples usually prefer joint tenancies. In a case where one of the joint tenants dies, then the property immediately is passed to the other owner. The law sees joint tenants as one unit which means you can’t remortgage or sell the property without the agreement of the other owner.

Relatives or friends who are buying together tend to go for tenants. You may jointly own the property but you do not have to own equal shares. Therefore, you can act individually meaning that you have the right to sell or give away your share of the property. There is a way you can mortgage your share of the property, but it would be difficult to find a lender that will lend in these circumstances.

Joint Mortgages & Removing Names

What happens if you have a joint mortgage, but the other parties stop meeting the mortgage payments?

All borrowers are jointly and severally liable, which is something a mortgage lender will highlight to you. If a situation occurs where one of you stops paying your share of the mortgage, then the other(s) will make up the shortfall and pay the full amount.

How do I remove my ex-husband / wife from my mortgage?

Buying a mortgage is a big financial commitment, therefore, you should commit to this with the intention of not splitting up in the future. In the circumstance that this does happen, you would have to make changes to the mortgage which can be a difficult situation.

In the case that children are involved in the situation, one person will be occupying the home, however, there might be a point where the person would want to take over the mortgage in their own right and therefore will need Mortgage Advice in Bristol.  

Regardless if one of the parties in the joint mortgage is paying the mortgage without any help from their ex, the application was still processed in joint names. Therefore, in the event of mortgage arrears, both parties are accountable even if only one person is trying to upkeep payments. 

The lenders will have to be confident that the applicant remaining can keep up the payments on their own from then before removing a party from a mortgage. To determine this, the lender will need to carry out a full assessment of income even if you have been consistent with your mortgage payments in the past. 

It’s common in these situations that the individual who steps in to replace the ex-partner is usually a family member or a new partner. When it comes to this change, a Mortgage Advisor can help you go through this process. 

How do I remove my name from my ex-partner’s mortgage?

In the case of a separation or divorce, it’s key that you know that all parties remain responsible for any joint financial commitments. If a person leaves the family home, this still applies as well as if an agreement is made between both parties that one person will be responsible for all the payments. 

If you are looking to purchase a new property in the future, the mortgage payments on the previous property will be accounted for. That’s why it’s important that a person gets Mortgage Advice in Bristol prior to making an offer. Many lenders are more generous when it comes to the amount they will lend in comparison to others. Our Mortgage Advisors in Bristol will take this into consideration when recommending the most appropriate lender to apply for a Mortgage Agreement in Principle with.

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023