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What is a Mortgage Broker in Bristol?

Whether you’re navigating the complexities of mortgages as a first time buyer in Bristol or you already have some prior experience with property ownership, the term “mortgage broker” may either ring a bell or remain a mystery to you.

Engaging a mortgage broker in Bristol, especially during a home move, can not only simplify your task but also alleviate the stress associated with the process.

Mortgage Broker in Bristol vs Your Bank

Here, we’ll delve into the key distinctions between utilising a mortgage broker in Bristol and relying on your bank.

Mortgage Products

Opting for your bank in your mortgage quest means you won’t incur a broker fee, potentially saving you money. However, banks are limited to their in-house mortgage products, whereas a mortgage broker in Bristol can explore diverse lenders to uncover the best product for your needs.

As a mortgage broker in Bristol, we have access to a range of lenders, both high street and specialist, enabling us to seek out competitive mortgage options. During your complimentary mortgage appointment with us, we conduct a free affordability assessment to identify accessible deals for you.


High street banks are often known for extended waiting periods to secure an appointment with a mortgage advisor, posing inconvenience, especially after having an offer accepted on a property.

Mortgage brokers in Bristol, like ourselves, offer flexible availability, allowing you to schedule a mortgage appointment at your convenience, even offering same-day availability on occasion.

Declined Application

If your mortgage application faces rejection from a high street bank, there’s a likelihood that other similar banks may follow suit. Mortgage brokers, with access to various lenders, including specialists, can explore alternatives tailored to your personal and financial situation if you’ve faced rejection.

If credit issues are a concern, our mortgage advisors in Bristol can guide you on improving your credit score and restoring financial stability.

Securing Your AIP

Banks and brokers share a similar turnaround time for obtaining an agreement in principle (AIP). Our mortgage advisors in Bristol can typically secure an AIP within 24 hours of your free mortgage appointment. If the AIP expires, simply reach out to us, and we can promptly renew it for you.

Customer Service

In terms of availability for queries or updates on your mortgage application, banks may not be readily accessible. On the other hand, contacting your mortgage advisor in Bristol is convenient, allowing you to receive quick responses and updates during the potentially stressful mortgage process.

Mortgage Broker in Bristol

As your dedicated mortgage broker in Bristol, our commitment is to guide you through every stage of your mortgage journey, regardless of your situation – whether you’re a first time buyer in Bristol or a buy-to-let landlord.

Our responsive service gives you the option to book a free mortgage appointment or arrange a call back online, putting you in control of your schedule. Alternatively, give our team at Bristolmoneyman a call, and we’ll connect you with one of our expert mortgage advisors in Bristol.

What Does Remortgage in Bristol Mean?

While the term “remortgage” is a common one among homeowners, understanding its true essence and its impact on your financial well-being is crucial. In this in-depth guide, we will demystify the concept of remortgaging, shedding light on its significance and the benefits it can bring.

Defining Remortgage

In simple terms, a remortgage in Bristol, also known as refinancing, involves the process of transferring your existing mortgage to a new lender or renegotiating the terms with your current lender.

This financial strategy empowers homeowners to customise their mortgage to better align with their current circumstances and financial goals.

The Key Elements of Remortgaging in Bristol

Let’s dive into the essential components that make up the concept of remortgaging:

Changing Lenders

One of the primary motivations for remortgaging is transitioning from your current lender to a new one. This decision may be prompted by the pursuit of a more favourable interest rate, enhanced customer service, or more advantageous mortgage terms.

Renegotiating Terms

If you are content with your current lender but wish to modify the terms of your mortgage, remortgaging provides a viable solution. This could involve extending or shortening the mortgage term, transitioning from a fixed-rate to a variable-rate mortgage, or vice versa.

Releasing Equity

A remortgage designed to release equity is the solution for those aiming to unlock the value they’ve built up in their home. By borrowing against the increased worth of your property, you can access a lump sum or establish a line of credit to fulfil various financial objectives.

Reasons to Consider Remortgaging in Bristol

Having established the concept of remortgage in Bristol, let’s now explore the motivating factors that drive homeowners to embrace this next stage in their homeownership journey:

Lower Interest Rates

When interest rates decrease or if your initial mortgage was secured at a less favourable rate, remortgaging becomes a pathway to accessing lower interest rates, thereby reducing your monthly mortgage payments.

Repayment Flexibility

Remortgaging allows homeowners to fine-tune their repayment structure, making it more manageable. For instance, you can transition from an interest-only mortgage to a repayment mortgage or vice versa.

Home Improvements

If you’re contemplating a remortgage in Bristol to finance home improvements, it offers a means to secure the necessary funds by leveraging your property’s equity.

Debt Consolidation

Individuals burdened with multiple debts, such as credit card balances or personal loans, can consolidate these financial obligations into a single, manageable monthly payment through a debt consolidation mortgage in Bristol.

Accessing Equity

Over time, as the value of your property appreciates significantly, remortgaging becomes a conduit to tap into this equity for various purposes, whether it’s financing your child’s education or venturing into additional property investments.

Speak to a Mortgage Advisor in Bristol

The remortgage process can be intricate and multifaceted, warranting the guidance of a qualified mortgage advisor in Bristol.

They are equipped to provide expert remortgage advice in Bristol, evaluate your financial circumstances, and assist you in identifying the most fitting remortgage solution tailored to your specific requirements.

Understanding the essence of remortgage empowers homeowners to make informed financial decisions. Whether you are in pursuit of reduced interest rates, improved repayment flexibility, or access to your home’s equity, remortgaging stands as a valuable tool to accomplish your financial objectives.

It is imperative to engage in comprehensive research, seek the counsel of experts, and carefully assess your individual circumstances to ensure you make the most judicious choice for your financial future.

Can I Remortgage in Bristol to Pay Off Debt?

When homeowners approach the end of their mortgage term, they have several options to consider, especially in terms of mortgages. The most common approach is to opt for a remortgage in Bristol, which involves taking out a new mortgage to replace the existing one, often with better terms.

That being said, some homeowners may not be looking to obtain better terms. Some may choose to remortgage in Bristol to release equity or for the specific purpose of making home improvements.

Others may prefer an alternative to remortgaging in Bristol, such as switching to a new product with their existing mortgage lender via product transfers. Debt consolidation remortgages in Bristol are another option that we frequently come across.

By taking out a remortgage in Bristol to consolidate debt, homeowners can merge their unsecured debts (such as credit cards and loans) into a single, more manageable monthly mortgage payment, thereby reducing their overall expenses.

Securing unsecured debt against your home is a complicated process that requires expert guidance. Because of this, we would suggest that you look to take out professional mortgage advice in Bristol before proceeding with a debt consolidation remortgage in Bristol.

How can I pay my debts by remortgaging in Bristol?

When you have multiple debts to pay off, such as credit cards, personal loans, or other unsecured debts, it can be overwhelming to keep track of them and make payments on time. Consolidating these debts can simplify your finances and potentially lower your overall interest costs.

One option for consolidating your debts is through a remortgage in Bristol. Essentially, you would take out a new mortgage with a larger balance than your current mortgage, and use the extra funds to pay off your other debts.

This leaves you with a single monthly mortgage payment to make, which can make budgeting and managing your finances easier.

As mentioned before though, remortgaging in Bristol to consolidate debt requires you to have enough equity in your home. Equity is the value of your home that you own outright, meaning it’s the difference between the current market value of your home and the amount of mortgage debt you still owe.

So, if your home is worth £300,000 and your outstanding mortgage balance is £200,000, your equity is £100,000.

Lenders typically require a certain amount of equity in your home in order to approve a remortgage for debt consolidation. The exact amount varies depending on the lender and other factors, but it’s typically around 20% to 25% of the home’s value.

It’s also worth noting that remortgaging in Bristol to consolidate debt can have some downsides. While it can simplify your finances, it also means you’re taking on more mortgage debt and potentially paying interest on that debt for a longer period of time.

This can lead to higher overall costs in the long run, so it’s important to carefully consider the pros and cons before deciding if this is the right option for you.

Overall, if you’re considering remortgaging in Bristol to consolidate debt, it’s a good idea to speak with a mortgage advisor who can help you understand your options and determine whether it’s the best choice for your financial situation.

Can you remortgage in Bristol early?

Whether it’s actually viable to remortgage in Bristol before the end of your term will depend on how far into your current mortgage deal you are.

In general, people tend to begin the remortgage process around 6 months before their current deal ends, allowing for a seamless transition from one deal to another, however, remortgaging earlier than this can be costly.

If you attempt to remortgage in Bristol too soon, you may be subject to an early repayment charge, which can be expensive. For example, if you’re only 2 years into a 5 year fixed-rate mortgage, you’re likely to incur such a charge.

While it may be worthwhile in some circumstances, keep in mind that you’d be spending a significant amount of money to terminate your existing mortgage deal, which may be more cost-effective for you overall.

Additionally, the funds you use to pay the early repayment charge could have been directed towards your debts instead.

Ultimately, whether or not it makes sense to remortgage early will depend on your individual situation. It’s always recommended to speak with a mortgage advisor in Bristol before making any decisions, as there may be better options available to you, such as a further advance.

Are you able to take out a further advance?

If you need to borrow additional funds from your current mortgage lender, a further advance could be a suitable option. This form of borrowing typically involves obtaining extra money at a different interest rate than your primary mortgage.

A further advance is a good alternative to a remortgage in Bristol, particularly for home improvements.

It’s important to understand though, that it may not be the best option for debt consolidation. It’s important to keep in mind that by securing this additional debt against your property, you run the risk of falling behind on payments and potentially facing repossession.

On the other hand, a further advance could be an option to pay off your debts if you’re not yet eligible for a remortgage in Bristol, such as if you’re still in a fixed or introductory period.

To determine the best course of action for your situation, it’s recommended to speak with a mortgage broker in Bristol. They can help you evaluate all of the available options and make an informed decision.

The Pros & Cons to Remortgaging in Bristol to Pay Off Debt

Like any mortgage option, remortgaging in Bristol to consolidate debts comes with both benefits and risks.

The most significant benefit is that you can lower your overall monthly payments by consolidating your debt into one manageable mortgage payment. By doing this, you’ll no longer have to make separate monthly payments to credit providers.

It’s important to keep in mind though, that by increasing your mortgage amount, you’ll be paying back more over a longer period of time. This could reduce your disposable income, but it could also allow you to have more money to put towards your mortgage payments or other expenses.

While the mortgage interest rate will likely be lower than that of a personal loan, consolidating your debt through a remortgage in Bristol can still be more expensive in the long run. This is because you’ll be paying the lower interest rate over a longer period of time.

Moreover, by consolidating your unsecured loans into your mortgage, you are putting your home at risk. If you fall behind on your payments and default on your mortgage, you could face the possibility of losing your home through repossession.

Given these risks, it’s crucial to carefully consider whether consolidating your debts through a remortgage in Bristol is worth it. It’s recommended to speak with a mortgage advisor in Bristol ahead of time, to explore all available options and ensure that you are making an informed decision.

Should I remortgage in Bristol to pay debt?

The big question here is whether you should remortgage to consolidate debt or not. The answer to this question is entirely dependent on your personal situation.

Although taking this route is undoubtedly risky and should only be considered in very specific circumstances, it can still prove to be beneficial and help you to improve your financial state.

It’s important to look at taking expert mortgage advice in Bristol before making any brash decisions.

Our mortgage advisors in Bristol are always available to discuss these kinds of mortgage options with you during your free mortgage appointment. They will also recommend alternatives if there are any available to you.

You should think carefully before securing other debts against your home. By adding your unsecured debts to your mortgage, which is secured on your home, you are potentially putting your home at risk if you cannot make the required repayments.

Although the total monthly cost of servicing your debt may have reduced, the total cost of repayment may still have risen as the term of your mortgage is longer than it may have taken to repay the debts originally.

Remortgaging When House Value Has Increased in Bristol

Anyone who is already the owner of a property, whether they are the owner of a family home or a buy to let in Bristol, will see their property as an investment. It’s not just about creating a home, it is the largest asset in your possession, something you might pass through generations or eventually sell for a profit.

The property market is changing all the time and there will be both peaks and troughs. There will no doubt be times during your mortgage term, that you see property prices soaring.

During periods of time such as these, it can be a great idea for you to you to start looking at your options for a remortgage in Bristol, as in some cases you may find that you can access a far better loan to value (LTV) and in turn, better interest rates for your mortgage.

What is a loan to value and why do people remortgage in Bristol for a better one?

Loan to value (LTV) is a percentage that represents the relationship between the amount of mortgage you take out and the value of the property you are purchasing.

For instance, if you buy a property for £100,000 and put down a deposit of £10,000 (which is 10% of the property value), you would need to obtain a mortgage with an LTV of 90%.

Mortgage loan to values will typically be broken down into tiers or brackets. We find that the lowest bracket will typically be around 60%, with the highest being 95%. The tiers or brackets that are offered will be a little different, depending on the mortgage lender.

The lower your loan to value ratio is, the more competitive rates of interest you will be able to come across in the mortgage deals that are available to you.

Using the above example and moving forward some years, your property value might have increased to £110,000, with the initial mortgage balance of £90,000 coming down to £80,000. This means you have come down to a 73% loan to value.

What this means here, is if you were to take out a remortgage in Bristol, you would probably be looking at a 75% loan to value mortgage, which would likely have far more competitive interest rates.

Of course other factors such as the current condition of the market, also impacts this rate when you remortgage. The reason these mortgages tend to have better interest rates, is due to you being less risk to a mortgage lender.

How do I find out the value of my property in Bristol?

In order for you to access a better rate of interest or a better term, it’s also important for you to figure out what the value of your property is and if it is more than you actually paid for it. This means having a valuation taken out on your home.

When you take out a remortgage in Bristol, you will be taking out a mortgage with a new mortgage lender, which works differently to a product transfer, where you switch to a new deal but stay with the same mortgage lender.

Again, if you take a look at the risk to mortgage lender, because you are with a new mortgage lender, they will definitely want to double check the value of the property of the value they are going to be lending against. You will typically find one of two valuations taking place.

The first valuation type you may come across, is an Automated Valuation Model (AVM), also called a desktop valuation. With this, there won’t be a physical visit, with it instead using a database that analyses similar properties nearby, in order to determine a general value.

The other type of valuation that you will see, is a physical valuation. This is where a chartered surveyor will actually come out and visit your home, to inspect the inside and outside, in order to give a much more accurate property value.

A physical valuation can be especially useful for homeowners who have had any home improvements or extensions done, that similar properties nearby won’t have, which could be missed by an AVM. This is something you can ask your mortgage advisor in Bristol about, during your free appointment.

Remortgage to Release Equity When Home in Bristol Value Has Increased

Whilst the equity in your home can be often used as a way for you to access a better mortgage deal, in some cases we see that many instead will look to remortgage to release equity. There are a lot of reasons for this, such as those who may remortgage in Bristol for home improvements.

When it comes to taking out a remortgage to release equity, you must make sure that you plan carefully. In almost every situation, you will have a new mortgage that replaces the old one (as remortgages work that way), with you actually moving on to a higher loan to value.

Because you will have a much higher loan to value, it is very likely that you will see yourself with higher monthly mortgage payments to cover.

Many homeowners hope that by investing in these home improvements, you will see the value of your property increasing. This means that when it comes to taking out your next remortgage, you will theoretically see it on a lower loan to value again.

It’s all about making sure that you keep your eyes on the markets and that you have a very carefully thought out plan of action, especially when you have such a large financial investment in your home. A mortgage advisor in Bristol can be advise on how to approach this process.

Can I remortgage in Bristol early if the value of my home has increased?

Depending on your circumstance, you may find that you want to remortgage in Bristol early. Whilst a remortgage in Bristol typically takes place a few months prior to your fixed-period ending, this is not considered “early”. Some may instead look to remortgage even a whole year before that point.

The downside to taking out a remortgage early, is that in almost all cases, you’ll find that you will be responsible for taking out an early repayment charge (ERC), as on a technicality, you will have broken your contractually agreed terms.

House prices can be difficult to predict and navigating the market can be a challenge in itself, when you never quite know what it is going to look like. Whilst it could look like a great idea, it may not be a great idea for you financially to go forward with an early remortgage in Bristol.

People will only usually leave their mortgage early if they have an appropriate reason to do so, though we would always absolutely suggest that you speak with a mortgage broker in Bristol on board if this is definitely a route you want to go down.

An example could actually be the COVID-19 pandemic, where the Bank of England base rate fell down to record lows. Because of these events, people who were about due to remortgage in Bristol once their fixed-rate period ended, were able to inherit those rates and benefit from it.

If you still had to wait a year for this, you potentially wouldn’t reap these benefits, unless you had remortgaged early and fixed-in for longer. This is a pretty niche example from an anomaly in time, especially when there were mortgage lenders pulling products, limiting options for customers.

Even with that in mind though, it demonstrates a circumstance in which an early remortgage in Bristol could be a financial benefit. If your home has gone up in value, you may also see the benefit in an early remortgage, as the costs saved long-term from a lower LTV, may outweigh other costs.

As discussed though, one of those costs will likely be an early repayment charge (although a product transfer with the same mortgage lender could see this waived), as well as you having to pay possible arrangement, valuation and solicitors fees on the new mortgage you move on to.

If you are able to prove that the money you can save will definitely outweigh this, it may be an option worth looking at if you have to, though you should always discuss with a trusted mortgage broker in Bristol to understand the pros and cons first, before making a decision.

Are Mortgage Rates Going Up?

This is an age-old question that we find ourselves asked about all the time from both existing homeowners and budding home buyers alike. The answer is always entirely dependent on how the market is performing at any one time.

In order to keep yourself up-to-date with how the market is currently performing, including any changes to interest rates, government schemes and more, take a look at our “Mortgage Market Update” playlist on YouTube. We regularly post mortgage market updates as and when news comes out.

What are mortgage rates?

Mortgage rates are basically just the standard rate of interest that a mortgage lender will look to charge you against your mortgages balance.

This interest rate will be a contributing factor to your overall monthly mortgage costs. If you have lower interest rates, it’s likely that your monthly mortgage payments will be much lower also.

How are mortgage rates determined?

There are numerous factors that will go towards determining your mortgage rates, some you can control, some you cannot.

One of these factors that you definitely will be able to have control over, are the personal aspects of qualifying for a mortgage. Things like what your credit score is or how much deposit you have saved and can put towards the purchase of a property.

Typically speaking, the lower the risk, the better the rates.

As an open & honest mortgage broker in Bristol, we have the ability to run through your case, looking to find the most suitable mortgage deal for your home ownership plans. Our trusted mortgage advisors in Bristol ae able to search across 1000s of deals, including specialist one, for you.

What it all boils down to though, is how the market is performing at that particular time, as well as the state of the economy and position of the Bank of England base rate. A well-performing economy will usually see a higher demand for both goods and services, including properties as well.

In turn, higher demand usually means that the Bank of England base rate will rise, which will also see mortgage rates following suit. This is because mortgage rates that are set by your mortgage lender, will be at a percentage sitting above the Bank of England base rate.

Whilst having a better performing economy would mean people can theoretically afford more, mortgage lenders don’t have unlimited funds.

What this means, is that when the Bank of England base rate goes up, the cost of borrowing for a mortgage lender will also go up, which in turn sees mortgage rates also increase to a point where a mortgage lender can cover the cost of their own borrowing.

When the economy isn’t performing too well, this all work completely the opposite.

People will typically be unable to afford as much, which means interest rates will have to come down as a way to try and entice potential customers onto the property ladder, with the promise of possibly lower monthly mortgage payments.

Mortgage Rates Affected by Inflation

As we have discussed above, one of the primary factors that can impact your mortgage rates, is the Bank of England base rate. As a general rule, a mortgage lender will set their own rates at a percentage above the base rate. This means fluctuations can take place, as the base rate rises and falls periodically.

Another factor that can impact the Bank of England base rate and see it fluctuate, is inflation. The UK government have a specific target that they like to reach, in order to make sure the cost of living is affordable for everyone. Unfortunately, these targets are not always met.

In situations such as these, we may see the cost of living going up. Unlike the typical cause and effect of seeing a stronger economy meaning people can afford more, when this happens, many are left in financial positions that are less than favourable, struggling to get onto the property ladder.

This is also unfortunate news for homeowners who have fixed-rates that are coming to an end. Someone may have, for example, fixed in at an incredibly low percentage, only to come out of their fixed-rate and be set to inherit double what it was before.

Having the help of a mortgage broker in Bristol here, can be truly beneficial.

Fixed-Rate Mortgages vs Tracker Mortgages

The Bank of England base rate, generally speaking, will always fluctuate, though it’s not often by much. Tracker mortgages are a type of mortgage that will mirror the Bank of England base rate, sitting at a percentage above it and fluctuating alongside it.

This can be a great mortgage type when interest rates are sitting rather low, though when the rates go up, you could see your mortgage payments changing suddenly, making this a mortgage type without guaranteed consistency.

Whilst tracker mortgages can still be great for some people (your mortgage advisor in Bristol will help you to determine which mortgage deal is best for you), some may argue that a better option could be a fixed-rate mortgage.

These are always the more popular options and allow for customers to lock-in to whatever the interest rate is at that time, for a chosen duration. For example, if you lock-in at a 4% interest rate for 5 years, even if within the next year it jumps up to 6%, you’re still only going to be paying 4%.

On the other hand, if you locked-in for 6% and then it dropped to 4%, you’d be paying more than other homeowners and home buyers would. This is why for many, we see them fixing in for 2-5 years, in order to gauge how rates are changing and to make sure they are always on the best mortgage deal.

When you’re in periods of economic uncertainty, fixed-rate mortgages can provide consistency and ease stress for homeowners. You will have the freedom to choose your own fixed-period duration, which as we said is usually 2-5 years, though we do see customers choosing 7 or even 10 year fixed-rates.

The possibility of coming out a fixed-period into higher interest rates, can actually lead many to remortgage in Bristol earlier than they otherwise would, paying an early repayment charge, to fix-in for a rate that, whilst higher than they had, is much less than it is projected to be by the time their deal ends.

How long should I fix my mortgage for?

The answer to this is entirely dependent on the way that interest rates possibly change, as well as how your personal circumstances also are set to change. As we have discussed above, there are also personal factors that can have an impact on how mortgage rates possibly change.

Home buyers who have higher deposits may be able to open themselves up to a lower loan-to-value, which in turn can allow them to access much lower rates of interest.

If you find that you are currently in that situation, having taken out a mortgage with lower interest rates, you may wish to take out a fixed-rate mortgage for 5, maybe 10 years, in order to truly reap the benefits of your lower interest rates.

Of course this very much depends on circumstance and 10 years is a long time to wait.

In 10 years, you could see lots of things change; Interest rates could drop significantly lower than you were able to fix-in for, meaning you are paying much more than you would have if you’d only fixed-in for 2 years, remortgaging onto the lower rates much sooner.

A trusted and experienced mortgage broker in Bristol will work to ensure you are well prepared for your mortgage process and help you to make an informed decision. Using our knowledge, we will do everything we can to help you succeed.

Speak With a Qualified Mortgage Advisor in Bristol

Interest rates can change when you least expect them to, depending on how the economy is performing, as well as the state of the market and the Bank of England base rate. Pairing this up with your own personal factors, you might be a little uncertain about what to do next.

By getting in touch with us for expert remortgage advice in Bristol if you’re nearing the end of your initial mortgage deal, or first time buyer mortgage advice in Bristol if this is your first time buying a property, you will have the help of a qualified mortgage advisor in Bristol, who will find you the best deal.

We always want the best for all of our customers, working alongside you to make sure you are well protected from potential future interest rate rises, if we can do so. If the cost of living is concerning to you, a fixed-rate mortgage might be your best option.

Book yourself in for a free mortgage appointment or remortgage review today, and we will see how we can help, recommending the most suitable mortgage option for you.

The Pros & Cons Of Using A Mortgage Broker in Bristol

Making an initial step onto the property ladder for the first time, or taking the next step once your fixed term ends, can make you feel a little nervous from time to time.

There are lots of different routes that homeowners and home buyers can take, but if you can help it, it would be ideal to get it right the first time, especially when you’re dealing with a large amount of money.

Of course, we are strongly in the belief that our service as an open and honest mortgage broker in Bristol, will be beneficial to anyone who is going through their mortgage process, especially if you are a first-time buyer in Bristol.

Whilst we have confidence in our ability to help out our customers, we are also fully aware that it is not necessarily for everyone. Some may even be unsure of how exactly we can help.

With this in mind, we have compiled a balanced overview of why in some cases you might be better off getting in touch with a mortgage broker in Bristol, and how in some other cases, going direct might be your best choice.

What are the pros & cons of using a mortgage broker in Bristol?


It is the opinion of many, that you are a lot more likely to save some money by going directly to the bank and finding a mortgage deal yourself. There is indeed merit to this, as a mortgage broker in Bristol may charge you a fee, though this is circumstantial and depends on who you speak to.

If you are already experienced in finding your own mortgage, have a pretty simple case and have a knowledge of lender criteria, going it alone will probably be easier and more cost-effective.

Where a mortgage broker stands out, is the ability to help people with complex cases or those who don’t understand lender criteria.

Without the correct, up-to-date knowledge, you could possibly end up with a bad deal, or even being unable to successfully apply for a mortgage deal. In any case, this could cost you a lot of money or damage your credit score. The latter would in turn hinder your chances of applying for a mortgage at any point in the future.

A dedicated mortgage advisor in Bristol will always make sure that they get their recommendation right the first time, at the cheapest deal that is available to you. Again, this may entail you having to pay a service fee, though it will likely save you a lot more money in the long term.

Local Bank Branch Relationships

Another point of view that customers who are older may think is a benefit of going to the bank directly, is the way you used to be able to get a mortgage. Prior to technology and online banking becoming a big deal, generally you would be a loyal customer of a local branch, typically speaking with the same members of staff.

When you wanted to apply for a mortgage, you would converse with the bank manager themselves. They would “know your finances like the back of their hand”, and would be the ones to personally approve a mortgage for you. Times have changed though, and credit scoring is now done via digital means.

The bank manager will no longer personally go through your case. Instead, your information will be put against a complex online system, to find out if you qualify for that mortgage. Nowadays, everyone gets the same chance as each other, no matter who your bank is.

Exclusive Mortgage Products

Relating to the previous point, many are in the belief that there are better, exclusive deals only by going to the lender direct. Once again, there is an element of truth to this, but it is only part of the story. See, a lender can indeed offer great deals, but only deals that are from their own company.

One of the main problems here is that not all mortgage lenders are actually banks, meaning there are lots of options outside of what you are familiar with. The best deal you could get with your bank, might not be the best deal overall that you could’ve had access to.

That’s another benefit of enquiring for mortgage advice in Bristol. A trusted and experienced mortgage advisor will be able to take a look at your case, and have you matched up with a suitable deal from one of our panel of lenders, rather than one place.

It’s also worth mentioning that there may also be deals that can only be found with a mortgage broker in Bristol. Regardless of if you’re a first-time buyer, are considering your options for a remortgage in Bristol or have a complex case, a mortgage broker will have more options for you.

Changes to Regulation & Consumer Protection

Following on from the 2007-08 credit crunch, the mortgage market was in dire need of a change. As was outlined in the 2014 Mortgage Market Review, lenders no longer had the ability to sell mortgages to customers on a non-advised basis.

This meant that you couldn’t just approach the bank, tell them you want a mortgage and be approved without any prior checks. You also couldn’t obtain a mortgage from any member of staff, as this used to happen regularly, whether they were qualified or not.

Further to this, these changes also introduced consumer protection, that you otherwise wouldn’t have gotten from the bank.

You now had the right to make a complaint to the Financial Ombudsman if you felt mis-advised for one reason or another. You also have the ability to make a claim via the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.

This is positive thing for both mortgage brokers and mortgage lender alike, as this means no matter who you choose to speak to or what your circumstances are, you’ll be safe, secure and advised professionally.

Booking an Appointment with a Mortgage Advisor in Bristol

An area where a mortgage lender has the disadvantage, is that oftentimes it can quite literally take months to speak book an appointment. Once you can eventually speak to someone and kickstart your journey, you’re not always guaranteed to be kept up-to-date about your case progression.

A unique selling point here at Bristolmoneyman, is that we are able to speak with customers at a time that is convenient to them. Our mortgage advisors in Bristol work from early until late, 7 days a week, including weekends. We may also work on some bank holidays too!

If you’re quick enough and lucky enough, you might find that you can book an appointment on the same day, though you don’t always have to do that. If you would like to speak with someone in a few days time, you have the freedom to book a slot in advance!

We are here at time slots that best suit your lifestyle. If you work 9-5 and want to speak with someone in the evening, we can do that too! Using our online booking feature, it has truly never been easier to get in touch with a qualified mortgage advisor!

In addition to this, we are proud of our ability to be responsive with our customers. No matter what stage of your mortgage journey you’re in, we will always make sure you’re up-to-date. If your case changes at any point, your advisor will inform you as soon as they can.

It’s because of expert mortgage brokers in Bristol like us, who are able to offer a high level of customer service, that the public opinion of mortgage brokers has differed over the years. This has led to more and more people getting in touch with a local mortgage expert, instead of going to a big high street bank.

Handling of Complex Scenarios

Sometimes a mortgage case may be a little more complex than the average case. Common examples of this that we have come across over the years, include (but are not limited to);

In the past, mortgage lenders were able to easily compete, by offering better deals than the others. Times have changed though, and now the main difference in choosing a deal, is whether or not you match their strict criteria.

A deal could be cheaper, but you may not qualify for it. The mortgage lender will perform either a hard credit search (leaves a footprint on your credit file) or soft credit search ( this leaves less of a footprint on your credit file), to see if you pass eligibility checks for that mortgage.

If you apply for a mortgage with a lender and are declined an agreement in principle, this will likely cause harm to your credit file. Worst of all, you probably will not be given a reason for why you were declined, which can be understandably disappointing and frustrating.

On the other hand, a trusted mortgage broker in Bristol will be able to take a look at your case beforehand, making sure everything is correct and prepared, informing you of any other steps you should take to better your chances of being accepted for the mortgage.

Using the lenders that we have on panel, you’ll be matched up with deals that you could be eligible for and we’ll look to get you agreed in principle. Obtaining your agreement in principle through Bristolmoneyman typically takes no more than 24 hours of your free mortgage appointment with one of our advisors.

Of course, this still doesn’t mean you are certain to receive an AIP, nor does it guarantee that you will get a mortgage, but it is a lot better for your credit file to have an expert analyse it beforehand. As expert mortgage advisors in Bristol, we always look to make the right recommendation first time.

In Conclusion; Should I use a mortgage broker in Bristol?

At the end of the day , it’s your choice. As you can tell from the information above, there are both pros and cons to choosing a mortgage broker in Bristol. Conversely, there are also a lot of pros and cons to going direct with a lender. It all comes down to how quick of a service you would like, and how secure you want to be on your journey.

As a trusted mortgage broker in Bristol, led by 20+ year industry expert Malcolm Davidson, we have helped thousands of customers to achieve their mortgage goals. From first time buyers in Bristol taking a step onto the property ladder, to people reaching the end of their initial fixed period, looking to remortgage in Bristol, it’s safe to say we’ve seen it all.

To get in touch with a responsive, open & honest, FCA regulated mortgage team of experts, feel free to book yourself in for a free mortgage appointment or remortgage review, with a member of our amazing mortgage advice team. We’re here to help with all your concerns and queries during your process, with time slots that are convenient to you, subject to availability.

If you would like to learn more about our service, take a look at our genuine customer reviews. They are an amazing reflection of the service levels we provide our customers regularly. If you would like to learn more about the mortgage world, take a look at our YouTube Channel, MoneymanTV.

Can I Have Two Mortgages in Bristol?

Yes, there is most likely an option where you can have two mortgages as there are many situations that require a person to have more than one mortgage. Our Mortgage Advisors in Bristol can typically help with this.

Some of the reasons for wanting a Second Mortgage could be:

Second mortgage to raise money

If you have equity in your home and are looking for a second mortgage to release some of this to fund a purchase, then we may be able to help.

This situation is known as a further advance. A further advance is when you borrow more from your current lender to fund something like home improvements or a second mortgage.

The amount that you can borrow from them will depend on the amount of equity in your property. Your lender will need strong evidence to prove that you can afford both mortgages. Our mortgage advisors in Bristol can access competitive second mortgage deals and options through our large panel of lenders. 

Second mortgage to rent out existing home to purchase a new one

If you are looking to move house but keep hold of your existing property with the view to let it out, we may be able to help. Your second mortgage will be a new residential one.

Second mortgage to purchase a home for your children

If you are exploring the options available to you of helping your children or grandchildren with getting on the property ladder, there are now many products that we can run through to achieve this.

Second Mortgage for a Buy to Let

If you are looking to purchase a Buy to Let our Mortgage Advisors in Bristol will advise you on the best way to go about this. You will get asked to produce a higher deposit for this than a residential mortgage.

Named on your existing mortgage and want to buy a new home?

Are you currently named on another mortgage and would like to purchase a new property? In any case, this is a situation that our Mortgage Advisors in Bristol come across regularly, mainly due to divorce or separation and we are often able to help.

Whatever your situation is to get a second mortgage. As an Experienced Mortgage Broker in Bristol, we can search 1000’s of mortgage deals on your behalf. Additionally, recommend the most suitable product for you based on your situation.

Why Use Our Mortgage Advice Service in Bristol?

We Specialists in Different Types of Mortgages

As a dedicated mortgage broker in Bristol, our job is to support you through your mortgage process from beginning to end, making it a stress-free and easy-going experience. We aim to find you the most suitable mortgage product tailored to your specific financial and personal circumstances.

We feel the customer should know exactly how our service works and what different order parts of the process come in. So, to give you an insight into our process and how it works, we have put together a handy guide that we think you will find helpful.

How does our process work?

Step 1 – Get in touch

First of all, once you have contact and speak to one of our responsive teams or book yourself in for a free mortgage appointment, they will take some details from you. This is to help build a profile to get a picture of who you are and what you’re looking to do. All this information will help us, partner, you up with a suitable mortgage advisor in Bristol.

Step 2 – Free mortgage consultation

During your free consultation with your dedicated advisor, they will ask you a few more questions. This will give them a closer look into your mortgage needs. From here on out, this advisor will help you find the ideal mortgage deal for you!

If they manage to find you a great deal that benefits both your personal and financial situation and you’re happy to take it up, we are ready to continue to step 3.

Step 3 – Agreement in principle

This step continues right after your consultation. Your advisor will arrange a mortgage agreement in principle (AIP) for you within 24-hours of your consultation.

Having an agreement in principle in place early on in the process is crucial. It shows a seller that a lender is willing to let you borrow from them. Of course, this can provide evidential documents to back up your income and credit score.

During this part of the process, if you haven’t already found a home to make an offer on. You can start hunting for houses with your agreement in principle to back up any offers.

After your agreement in principle is in place, we’ll begin collecting evidential documents from you to back up your mortgage application. This will include things like payslips, bank statements, photographic ID. These documents and the amount that you need to supply do vary if you are a self-employed applicant.

Step 4 – Submission

As soon as everything looks good on our end, we can move to the mortgage application submission stage!

We will only submit your mortgage application if we know that you’ll pass your lender’s credit scoring criteria; we don’t want it to be declined. Once your application is with your potential lender, it’s just a waiting game now. During this time, we’ll be regularly informing you on the progress of your mortgage application.

As soon as we get the green light, we will be in touch straight away to give you the confirmation that you’ve had your mortgage application accepted. Congratulations, you’re now on the road to moving into your new home!

Specialist situations

At Bristolmoneyman, we want you to have the most straightforward mortgage process possible and come out with a great mortgage deal. However, we also deal with complex cases, so if you are struggling to get a mortgage through the traditional mortgage route, our service is in place to offer help when needed. 

Our mortgage advisors in Bristol have been helping customers overcome complex cases for over 20 years now. We have had customers in the past who been turned away from their bank, and we’ve still been able to get them a mortgage offer. We love a good challenge, and our team would love to help anyone struggling with a complicated mortgage situation.

Speak to a Mortgage Advisor in Bristol Today

Now that you’ve learnt more about our service, it’s your job to get in touch. We are available 7 days a week. Book your free mortgage appointment today to speak to an experienced Mortgage Advisor in Bristol today.

Customer service means everything to us, and we want to ensure that you’re delighted with every part of our service. But, of course, it would help if you took advantage of our free consultation. So whether you’re a first time buyer in Bristol or moving home in Bristol, we recommend getting in touch now.

Removing a Name From a Mortgage in Bristol

Specialist Mortgage Scenario in Bristol

Through our experience as a mortgage broker in Bristol, we have encountered cases where customers are looking to remove someone else’s name from a mortgage. We usually find this option is used in a situation where the customer is going through divorce or separation.

If you are in this situation, sorting out any financial commitments you have linked to them should be at the forefront of your mind, to prevent any issues down the line. This can be something people leave last.

This can consequently make the process more tricky and cause a lot more stress and time which is why you should do this ahead. You can get ahead of this by getting in touch with a mortgage broker in Bristol.

The Downside to Not Removing Your Name

There can be issues with leaving your name tied to someone else which can be an issue for you in the long run because of a number of reasons.

The first point is your name is still tied, you will still be chased for missed mortgage payments, regardless of if you live there or not. With this, you are in a situation where when you are in it, you are legal until removed.

Furthermore, your credit score will also be affected by the financial association. In the case the other person’s credit score drops, yours will as well. If you were looking to take out a mortgage of your own, in your own name, you would be finding yourself in a complex process.

Along with this, it will impact your affordability, because the mortgage lender will look at this as a large financial outgoing. Due to this, you will not be able to borrow as much for your property purchase.

You could also be faced with higher Stamp Duty tax implications as you will be buying a new property whilst technically owning one already. This can result in a quite costly deal.

With all these points in mind, it is good to remove your name from someone else’s mortgage as soon as you possibly can.

How to Remove a Name From a Mortgage

In the circumstance where you will be taking on the property and full responsibility for mortgage payments, the first thing you need to do is see ig you are eligible or not for a remortgage onto a new as a sole name applicant.

Contacting your mortgage lender/building society or speaking with a mortgage broker in Bristol will help you determine this.

Before you remove someone else’s name from a mortgage, it is key that you both agree on whether you or the other party will be getting the property. If you don’t come to an agreement with this, it could be a costly outcome with paying court costs to come to a decision.

Seeking specialist mortgage advice in Bristol can be beneficial in the case of a divorce or separation. A dedicated mortgage advisor in Bristol can help you through your mortgage process.

Need help removing a name from a mortgage?

In the situation where you need help removing someone else’s name from your mortgage, get in touch with a specialist mortgage broker to assist you with getting a remortgage in Bristol.

Our team are available 7 days a week to provide expert mortgage advice in Bristol and give you the helping hand you need throughout your remortgage journey. Book your free remortgage review today and we will see how we can help.

Can You Remortgage Early in Bristol?

Typically speaking if you are a homeowner and you do not wish to sell your home (and you are also on a fixed period), you will most likely look to remortgage in Bristol around 3 months before your initial fixed period is set to conclude.

Whilst this is technically before it does actually end, it is not considered remortgaging early, as your remortgage process will usually take that length of time to complete. It’s not like you are getting everything finalised that same day!

Though this is commonplace for many, there are some that may want to remortgage in Bristol a little earlier than this, perhaps 6 months or so before that deal is due to come to its end, which is also acceptable.

So, can I remortgage early in Bristol? Well yes, you are able to do this. There is nothing to legally stop you from taking out a remortgage. That being said, you shouldn’t always necessarily remortgage, especially without remortgage advice in Bristol.

Types of Remortgage in Bristol

You will generally have a choice of 3 different mortgage types when the time comes to remortgage in Bristol. The most popular of these is a fixed rate mortgage, with the others being discount rate mortgages and tracker mortgages.

Tracker mortgages will follow along with the Bank of England base rate. This means if their base rate is low, interest rates are low. If it’s high, interest is high. They are not fixed because of the way they work, though you can sometimes get “collared” rates, meaning they don’t go below a specific figure.

Discount rate mortgages are a version of the variable rate mortgage. They will generally be offered to you by your mortgage lender, as a discount of the standard variable rate mortgage that they already offer.

Fixed-rate mortgages are no doubt the most popular of these options. They allow you to fix in to a specific interest rate that exists at the time, for however many years you want to fix in for (typically 2-5 years).

Whilst the interest rates could go down and leave you with more to pay than you would otherwise need to, you are more likely to benefit from a fixed-rate, as rates will most likely go up.

Why would I remortgage early in Bristol?

Homeowners may wish to take out a remortgage in Bristol for all kinds of reasons. This can be to remortgage onto a better rate, to fund some of your home improvements, to consolidate some debts and more.

This is something you are able to do before your mortgage deal is due to come to an end, so why would your remortgage early in Bristol?

For a Better Deal

Though you are able to remortgage in Bristol and move onto a better rate when your deal is set to finish, there may be times when you wish to do this at an earlier time.

For example, if you were on a set deal that meant you had to pay a higher rate of interest than you could be able to get, you might want to remortgage early.

Doing so will most likely mean early repayment charges, but your savings you make on this might actually outweigh those additional costs.

To Protect Against Interest Rate Rises

The way that the market usually is, this is something that you are more likely to encounter as a homeowner in Bristol.

It is fairly straightforward to just take out a remortgage in Bristol once your fixed period ends, fixing in again for whatever the current interest rate is, but at that point, perhaps 2-5 years in, it may have risen much higher than what you were last on.

In a market where interest rates could go up further, you may feel it best to remortgage in Bristol much earlier, maybe a year before, pay the early repayment charge and settle for an interest rate that, whilst higher than it was, could be much more in a years time. That may make the costs worth it.

Some may even wish to look at taking out a debt consolidation remortgage in Bristol, putting all of their unsecured debt into a much more manageable monthly mortgage payment.

This will no doubt mean that you pay much more money overall, but could allow you to have more disposable income for bills and other things that you need additional funds for.

You should think carefully before securing other debts against your home. By adding your unsecured debts to your mortgage, which is secured on your home, you are potentially putting your home at risk if you cannot make the required repayments.

Although the total monthly cost of servicing your debt may have reduced, the total cost of repayment may still have risen as the term of your mortgage is longer than it may have taken to repay the debts originally.

Why would I want to avoid remortgaging early in Bristol?

Again, as touched upon before, there are reasons why you may not wish to remortgage early in Bristol. This is typically due to the early repayment charges you most likely have to pay for this, with the costs varying depending on how much of your fixed-term is left.

A general rule of thumb is that you can expect to pay much less if you are closer to the end of your mortgages’ fixed period. Of course when it comes to tracker mortgages, there isn’t a fixed-period as such, but there will likely be an introductory period which can present a fee.

These costs tend to be quite expensive, which is why the majority of people will look to avoid them. That being said, it may still be worthwhile if you are able to save money over time.

It would always be recommended that you speak with your mortgage lender prior to making any decisions, to make sure you are completely aware of any early repayment charges that could occur if you were to leave early.

Should I remortgage early in Bristol?

Really all it comes down to your choice. If you feel like you will benefit in the long run by doing this, then by all means make a start on your process. Make sure you are always aware of the costs involved and speak with a trusted mortgage professional to make sure it is right for you. & Bristolmoneyman are trading styles of UK Moneyman Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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