Are you looking to move home?

The act of moving house in Bristol can often become quite a difficult task for some homeowners, as it often results in them suffering large amounts of personal and financial stress. Despite the worries and concerns around this process, there are still many reasons why people choose to go forward with it anyway. Their reasoning can range from needing more space, to relocating to a new location for the sake of a career change.

Here are some of the main reasons why people may find it appropriate to move house:

  • They are in need of a change of scenery or lifestyle.
  • There are kids involved and they’re wanting to move into a school catchment area.
  • A new job opportunity has come up and a relocation is needed.
  • Some may look to be moving in with a partner or moving out due to a breakup.
  • They are hoping to save money on the costs of their home.
  • They may be wanting an upgrade to a more desirable home.
  • A common one we come across; they’ve outgrown their home and are in need of more space.

Nowadays we find that the majority of people would rather buy than rent in Bristol. The reason for this is partly due to the monthly costs potentially being a lot less than they would be for someone who is renting. moving house in Bristol can prove to be difficult for those that have developed an emotional attachment to that property and have made many fond memories with their family and friends there.

The pros and cons of moving house to a larger space, versus staying in your home for longer and altering your property can vary, though it’s mostly down to the personal preference of the individual in question.

Mortgage Advice for Moving House in Bristol

If you are exploring your options for taking out a remortgage for home improvements, then it may be worth your while to get in touch with our dedicated team of mortgage experts to take advantage of our free initial mortgage consultation. We’ll book you in at a time that suits you best, to speak with a trusted mortgage advisor in Bristol.

Our team will do their best to help you compare the potential costs of raising money to improve your home, compared to how much it would cost you to move into a new home. They are also able to help calculate approximately what the maximum borrowing capacity will be. You’ll also receive a quote on your monthly payments, so you have enough information to make a decision about what you’d like to do next.

Date Last Edited: December 6, 2023