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How Much Deposit Do I Need For a Mortgage With Bad Credit in Bristol?

Securing a mortgage with bad credit can be challenging, but it’s far from impossible.

If you’re looking to buy a home in Bristol and have a less-than-perfect credit history, understanding the deposit requirements is crucial. Here, we will explore the factors that influence how much deposit you need for a mortgage with bad credit in Bristol.

The Importance of a Large Deposit

When applying for a mortgage with bad credit in Bristol, lenders often require a higher deposit compared to those with a good credit history.

Typically, you should expect to put down at least 10% of the property’s value. However, the exact amount can vary depending on several factors, including the severity of your credit issues, the amount of the loan, and the lender’s specific criteria.

What Affects the Deposit I Need For a Bad Credit Mortgage in Bristol?

Nature and Timing of Credit Issues

One of the primary factors influencing your deposit requirement is the nature of your credit issues. The type and severity of your credit problems play a significant role in determining your deposit.

Minor issues, such as a few missed payments, might require a lower deposit compared to more severe issues like defaults or County Court Judgements (CCJs). Lenders assess the risk associated with your credit history, and more significant problems typically necessitate a higher deposit to offset this risk.

The timing of your credit issues also affects the deposit you need. Lenders are more likely to favour applicants whose credit issues occurred further in the past. Recent problems might necessitate a larger deposit to mitigate the perceived risk.

For example, a default that occurred several years ago and has since been resolved may be viewed more favourably than a default from the past year. Demonstrating that your credit issues are behind you and that you have taken steps to improve your financial situation can positively influence lenders’ decisions.

Source of Your Deposit

Another important aspect is the source of your deposit. Lenders prefer deposits sourced from your own savings, as it shows financial discipline and the ability to save.

However, they also accept gifted deposits from family members, provided the source is clear and well-documented.

Ensuring your deposit source is transparent and properly recorded can help smooth the application process and provide lenders with the confidence they need to approve your mortgage in Bristol.

Loan-to-Value Ratio (LTV)

The loan-to-value ratio (LTV) is a critical factor in mortgage applications.

If you have bad credit in Bristol, you might need a lower LTV, meaning a larger deposit relative to the property’s value. For instance, instead of a typical 90% LTV (10% deposit), you might need an 85% LTV (15% deposit) or lower.

The LTV ratio reflects the risk a lender takes on by offering you a mortgage; a lower LTV reduces their risk and can make your application more attractive.

Steps to Strengthen Your Mortgage Application

While a larger deposit can improve your chances of securing a bad credit mortgage in Bristol, there are other steps you can take to strengthen your application.

Before applying, take steps to improve your credit score. Pay off any existing debts, avoid new credit applications, and ensure all payments are made on time. Demonstrating a stable income and employment history can also positively influence lenders.

Lenders look for evidence of financial stability, so showing a consistent income stream and a secure job can enhance your application.

Working With a Bad Credit Mortgage Broker in Bristol

Working with a mortgage broker in Bristol like us who specialises in bad credit mortgages can provide valuable guidance and access to a wider range of products.

A specialised broker like us understands the intricacies of bad credit mortgages in Bristol and can help you navigate the complexities of the market.

By working with us, you can increase your chances of finding a suitable mortgage product that meets your bad credit mortgage needs.

What Mortgage Schemes Are Available in Bristol?

If you find it challenging to save for your mortgage deposit, consider exploring the government mortgage schemes available in Bristol.

These schemes are designed to make obtaining a mortgage more affordable.

What is a mortgage scheme?

The government aims to make homeownership more accessible in Bristol by offering a variety of mortgage schemes to assist buyers in getting onto the property ladder.

Each scheme operates differently; some help with saving for a deposit, while others help in purchasing a property.

How can I access a mortgage scheme in Bristol?

Each mortgage scheme has specific criteria that must be met to qualify.

Not everyone will be eligible for every scheme. For example, some are exclusive to first-time buyers, while others are available to both first time buyers in Bristol and existing homeowners.

List of mortgage schemes in Bristol

Here is a comprehensive list of the current government mortgage schemes available:

Shared Ownership

How does Shared Ownership work in Bristol?

One of the most popular and widely used schemes is Shared Ownership in Bristol.

Shared Ownership allows homebuyers to take out a mortgage on a share of the property, usually between 25%-75%, though sometimes as low as 10%.

You will also pay rent on the remaining share owned by the landlord or building society. Your monthly payments will consist of mortgage payments on your owned share and rent on the landlord’s share.

Shared Ownership Criteria

To be eligible for Shared Ownership in Bristol, you must meet the following criteria:

Shared Ownership is primarily aimed at first time buyers in Bristol but is also accessible to existing homeowners.

Buying a Home with Shared Ownership in Bristol

Once you have qualified for the Shared Ownership Scheme, you can begin your mortgage process.
With Shared Ownership in Bristol, you will still need to find a suitable mortgage product based on your share of the property. This is where we come in!

Your mortgage advisor in Bristol will search through thousands of mortgages on your behalf to find the perfect mortgage deal for your personal and financial situation.

Once we find a tailor-made product for your Shared Ownership property, we can begin preparing your final mortgage application.

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Right to Buy

How does Right to Buy work in Bristol?

Right to Buy in Bristol helps eligible council and housing association tenants purchase their homes at a discounted rate.

Discounts can rise up to £102,400 outside of London. This discount is available if you have been a secure tenant and a public sector tenant for at least three years.

This scheme is designed to make homeownership more accessible for individuals who might not otherwise afford it.

Right to Buy Criteria

To be eligible for the Right to Buy Scheme, the following conditions must be met:

Buying a Home with Right to Buy in Bristol

To start the application, tenants need to complete the Right to Buy application form (RTB1) and submit it to their landlord.

The landlord has up to four weeks (or eight weeks if the tenancy has been for less than three years) to respond and confirm eligibility.

If the application is approved, the landlord will send an offer notice detailing the property’s market value, the discount applied, and the price at which it can be bought. Tenants typically have 12 weeks to decide whether to proceed with the purchase.

During this period, it is advisable to speak with a mortgage advisor to arrange your Right to Buy mortgage in Bristol. Once all preparations are complete, tenants can proceed to complete the purchase, becoming homeowners under the Right to Buy Scheme.

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Mortgage Guarantee Scheme

How does the Mortgage Guarantee Scheme work in Bristol?

The Mortgage Guarantee Scheme is a government-backed initiative that enables homebuyers to purchase with a 5% deposit.

Taking out a mortgage with a 5% deposit allows homebuyers to access a 95% LTV Mortgage.

The scheme is accessible to both first time buyers in Bristol and existing homeowners, making property ownership more accessible and enabling a wider range of individuals to step onto the property ladder.

Mortgage Guarantee Scheme Criteria

To be eligible for the Mortgage Guarantee Scheme, you must meet the following criteria:

Buying a Home with the Mortgage Guarantee Scheme in Bristol

The Mortgage Guarantee Scheme is designed to help individuals purchase a home with a smaller deposit, making homeownership more attainable.

The process begins by finding a suitable property within the UK, ensuring it does not exceed the £600,000 limit set by the scheme. Once you have found a property you want to make an offer on, the next step is to secure a mortgage. You will need to ensure that you have a deposit of at least 5% of the property’s value.

Next, you must prepare your mortgage application. The simplest way to do this is through a mortgage broker. They will arrange your mortgage and complete your application for you, ensuring a smooth process.

You will then undergo a thorough credit check and assess your financial situation to ensure you meet the criteria. If approved, the government provides a guarantee to the lender for a portion of the mortgage, reducing the lender’s risk and encouraging them to offer loans to those with smaller deposits.

Once the mortgage is secured, a mortgage broker in Bristol can then proceed with the usual steps of purchasing a home, such as hiring a solicitor, conducting surveys, and finalising the purchase.

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Have a 5% Deposit?

If you have a 5% deposit, you may be eligible for a mortgage under the Mortgage Guarantee Scheme.

Lifetime ISA

How does the Lifetime ISA work in Bristol?

The Lifetime ISA, also known as LISA, is a type of savings account where individuals can save for their first home or retirement.

In each tax year, you can save up to £4,000 in your Lifetime ISA. This cap is in place because the government tops up your savings by 25% each year. Thus, if you maximise your contributions at £4,000, the government will generously add an additional £1,000 to your account.

Even if you do not manage to reach the savings cap, the government will still provide a 25% bonus on what you’ve managed to save.

If you are struggling to save for your first mortgage in Bristol, this scheme is perfect for you!

Lifetime ISA Criteria

To open a Lifetime ISA account, you need to meet the criteria before you qualify:

Buying a Home with the Lifetime ISA in Bristol

Once you have saved enough for your deposit, it is important to know that you should not withdraw from your Lifetime ISA.

Withdrawing at any point from the Lifetime ISA will result in a 25% withdrawal fee. If you want to use the funds to buy your first home, you need to contact the bank where your LISA account is held, and they can arrange for the funds to be released.

When speaking with a mortgage broker in Bristol, they can liaise with the bank on your behalf if this is something that you need help with. Once the bank has accepted your withdrawal request, we can begin finding the perfect mortgage for your personal and financial situation.

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Got Your Lifetime ISA Savings Ready?

If you have your LISA savings ready and need help finding the perfect mortgage for your new home, we’re here to help.

Forces Help to Buy

How does the Forces Help to Buy Scheme work in Bristol?

The Forces Help to Buy Scheme is a government-backed initiative designed to help armed forces members purchase their first home or move to a new property.

The Forces Help to Buy Scheme offers service members in Bristol an interest-free loan of up to 50% of their annual salary, capped at £25,000. This loan can be utilised for covering a deposit and related expenses associated with purchasing a home.

The scheme is only accessible to regular service personnel who have served for at least 12 months. The loan is repaid over a 10-year period through payroll deductions.

The funds acquired through this scheme can be employed for various purposes, including buying a new home, relocating closer to the place of work, adapting a residence for medical requirements, or extending a property to accommodate changing family needs.

Forces Help to Buy Criteria

The Forces Help to Buy Scheme is available to personnel who:

Buying a Home with the Forces Help to Buy in Bristol

Buying a home through the Forces Help to Buy Scheme involves a straightforward process designed to assist military personnel in achieving homeownership.

Eligible service members can apply for an interest-free loan of up to 50% of their annual salary, capped at £25,000, to cover a deposit and associated expenses.

To begin the process, applicants must ensure they meet the eligibility criteria. Once eligibility is confirmed, service members can apply for the loan.

The application typically involves providing documentation to verify service history and financial status.

Upon approval, the loan is repaid over ten years through payroll deductions. This scheme offers military personnel a valuable opportunity to take significant steps towards homeownership, providing financial support and guidance throughout the process.

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Have a Question for Our Mortgage Advisors?

If are looking to utilise any of these schemes and want further advice from an expert, don’t hesitate to get in touch.

Mortgage Schemes Advice in Bristol

If you want further clarification on any of the schemes mentioned above, make sure to reach out to our mortgage advisors in Bristol.

We have been helping homebuyers in Bristol achieve their mortgage goals for over 20 years! Having come across thousands of different mortgage scenarios, we are confident that we will be able to help you through your mortgage journey.

Book a free mortgage appointment online and speak to our mortgage advisors in Bristol about your situation and mortgage goals today.

Buying a House in Bristol From a Landlord

Advantages for Landlords and Tenants In my years as a mortgage broker, I’ve noticed an increasing trend of first-time homebuyers buying from their landlords – or as it is sometimes known, purchasing as a sitting tenant.

When you rent privately, there may come a time when your landlord gives you the option to buy before anyone else, or “first refusal”. If this hasn’t been extended to you, or you’re uncertain whether it’s a possibility, it might be a good idea to discuss this with your landlord.

Why are more landlords offering to sell directly to their tenants?

The central factor can be traced to changes in governmental policies. Tax advantages once linked to buy-to-let mortgages have been phased out, leading to substantial tax bills for many landlords.

In spite of this, buy to let mortgages in Bristol can yield substantial profits over time. However, these investments can also come with significant costs, prompting landlords to sell their properties and perhaps venture into different areas. As a renter, you may end up with a unique opportunity to purchase your rented home directly from your landlord.

Their motivations may differ – personal circumstances, financial reasons. Still, the reality is there are unique advantages, both for you and the landlord, when selling directly rather than going through estate agents.

Landlords Benefit From:

Avoiding Estate Agent Costs

They’ll save a significant amount of money traditionally reserved for agency fees by selling to a tenant.

An Easier Process

Opening the home to potential buyers for viewings can be challenging with a tenant in occupation.

Refurbishment Cost Reduction

Since they are selling to an existing tenant accustomed to the property, the landlord avoids expenses linked to cleaning, fixing, or cosmetic improvements.

Absence of Rental Void

By not placing the home on the open market, landlords continue receiving rental income until the day of sale completion.

Tenant Benefits

Familiarity With The Home

You have lived in your home, you have grown to love it, you know it both inside and out. This takes out the element of surprise, as you already know all the positives and all the flaws.

Freedom to Make Changes

Buying a home that you are already living in allows you to make all those changes you would’ve wanted to make.

Possible Discount

Since there is a likelihood you could be saving your landlord some money from buying the property, it is very likely (as we have seen in our own experience) that they could offer you a much more discounted property price, than would be on the open market.

Absence of Property Chain

A property chain is where one person is waiting for another to move out, so that they complete their own sale. The person they’re waiting on, could unfortunately be waiting on someone else.

This can create a very stressful situation for all involved and has caused a lot of property sales to suffer the consequences. Sitting tenant purchases, however, do not have the burden of a property chain.

Contractor Mortgages & The Gig Economy in Bristol

Mortgage Advice for Contractors in Bristol

In Bristol, there’s an expanding sector known as the “gig economy” which constitutes over a million individuals worldwide. These individuals work under short-term contracts and are deprived of certain benefits available to full-time workers. For instance, they aren’t compensated for sick days or holidays. A significant number of these contract workers provide professional services, while others carry out manual jobs. The surge in e-commerce has also led to an increase in courier roles.

Increase Your Chance at Mortgage Application Success

Securing a mortgage can be a daunting task for gig economy workers, as they might be categorised as self employed in Bristol by lenders. To enhance your chances of acquiring a mortgage in such a situation, it’s crucial to develop a solid work history. Generally, having at least one year of employment history stands you in good stead for mortgage qualification, unless your contract extends considerably beyond that timeframe. If lenders regard you as a sole trader, you’d need to show your net profits –your earnings after deducting expenses – and may require the help of a chartered accountant. If you’re operating your own limited company, lenders would usually consider the salary you’ve drawn, plus any declared dividends.

Mortgage Lender Flexibility

Given the swelling number of contract workers in the economy, lenders are beginning to take a more flexible approach in evaluating their incomes. If you have a history of contract work, and a currently valid contract, some lenders may consider your “day-rate” as a basis for assessment. They would arrive at a yearly income figure by multiplying your day-rate by five, and then by 46 weeks (instead of 52), acknowledging the probability of contractors not being able to work round the year.

Ideal for IT contractors who pick contracts selectively, waiting for more lucrative opportunities.


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Self Employed Mortgage Advice in Bristol

Just as it’s wise for self employed in Bristol individuals contemplating a mortgage to get their affairs in order ahead of time, the same principle applies to gig economy workers. Although it’s desirable to minimise tax liabilities, sustainable, substantial earnings are essential when applying for a mortgage, as lenders seek such assurances. Establish a relationship with a mortgage advisor in Bristol as early as possible to improve your prospects. For those on zero-hours contracts, securing a mortgage is possible. However, lenders usually require a year’s worth of earnings and might consider your average annual earnings.

Our 10 Step Mortgage & Home Buying Guide for First-Time Buyers in Bristol

As a dedicated team of experienced mortgage advisors in Bristol, we strive to keep our customers well-informed, updated, and prepared for the mortgage journey ahead.

In this article, we’ve compiled a comprehensive list of the 10 steps that first time buyers in Bristol will encounter during their mortgage process. Our goal is to bring you closer to being ‘mortgage ready’.

First Step: Get in Touch for Your Free Mortgage Consultation 

Having carefully considered your options, you’ve decided to venture into the world of property ownership and secure your first home by obtaining a mortgage as a first time buyer in Bristol.

We understand that this decision holds significant weight in your financial life and can be somewhat anxiety-inducing, especially if you’re new to the process.

This is where a dedicated mortgage broker in Bristol can play a key role in guiding you through the upcoming mortgage journey. Our team works diligently to alleviate your stress, ensuring you emerge on the other side with a mortgage, a positive outlook, and the excitement of enjoying your new home.

Second Step: Mortgage Affordability Assessment – How are you doing Financially? 

During your free mortgage appointment, our trusted mortgage advisor in Bristol conducts a mortgage affordability assessment. This swift yet important process involves scrutinising your monthly income and regular expenditures to gauge your financial capability to repay a mortgage.

This step is vital for ensuring you can afford your monthly repayments, avoiding potential debts and future repossessions, which both you and your mortgage lender would prefer to steer clear of.

Third Step: Obtaining a Mortgage Agreement in Principle

With the mortgage affordability assessment completed, the next step in your free mortgage appointment involves helping you in obtaining a key document – a mortgage agreement in principle.

Also known as ‘decision in principle’ or ‘mortgage in principle,’ this document signifies that you’ve passed the lender’s primary credit scoring system. While it doesn’t guarantee a mortgage, it demonstrates your seriousness to the property seller, potentially influencing price negotiations when making an offer.

Fourth Step: Finding the Right Solicitor 

Following the agreement in principle, your next move is to find a conveyancer to handle the legal aspects of home buying. Conveyancing involves the legal transfer of property ownership between seller and buyer.

Your conveyancing solicitor manages contracts, provides legal advice, conducts necessary searches, and handles funds transfer for the property purchase. Careful consideration of your choice for this role is vital, and we can recommend trusted partners if needed.

Fifth Step: Making an Offer on a Property 

Having spoken with a mortgage broker in Bristol, passed the mortgage affordability assessment, obtained an agreement in principle, and secured a conveyancer, you’re now ready to make an offer on a property.

Armed with the agreement in principle, you’re in a favourable position for negotiations. Remember to negotiate respectfully and, if possible, leverage your AIP to potentially secure a lower price.

Sixth Step: Submit Your Documents 

The next critical step involves submitting the required documents to proceed with your mortgage. Mortgage lenders meticulously review these documents, including proof of identity, earnings, address, deposit, and other financial details.

If applying for a joint mortgage, the same documentation will be required from the other applicant.

Seventh Step: We’ll Progress Your Mortgage Application 

With your mortgage agreed in principle and an offer accepted, the next stage is submitting your full mortgage application to the lender.

Our experienced team ensures that all necessary documentation is in order before sending it to the lender, initiating the waiting process for confirmation of mortgage approval.

Eighth Step: Property Valuation / Survey 

During the application processing period, the lender typically requires a valuation survey on the property. This survey, conducted by an accredited company, assesses the property’s value to ensure it aligns with the agreed-upon purchase amount.

This step is essential to avoid ‘down valuation’ issues, where the lender perceives the property’s value as lower than the purchase price.

Ninth Step: Receiving Your Mortgage Offer 

The moment you’ve been waiting for arrives when your mortgage lender completes a thorough assessment, and you are presented with your formal mortgage offer.

Our dedicated team reviews the offer on your behalf to ensure accuracy and satisfaction. With the formal mortgage offer in hand, your Conveyancing Solicitor takes the process to completion.

Tenth Step: Completing The Process 

Congratulations are in order as you transition from an unsure and inexperienced first time buyer in Bristol to a confident and mortgage-ready first-time homeowner. We hope that your concerns have been eased, and you are excited to make a start on this new chapter in your life.

The only remaining task is to grab your keys and start moving into your new home. We trust that you received top-tier mortgage advice service in Bristol and enjoyed interacting with our team throughout your mortgage journey.

If you’ve chosen a fixed-rate mortgage, we look forward to helping with your remortgage or future property plans when the time comes.

Can I Get a Right to Buy Mortgage in Bristol With Bad Credit?

Residents in Bristol who have been renting from a local council or housing association may discover eligibility for purchasing their rented home through the government Right to Buy Scheme. Typically, a discounted purchase price, often acceptable as a deposit, is provided.

To qualify for Right to Buy in Bristol, one must have been a public sector tenant for a minimum of three years, with the duration of tenancy influencing the discount received.

Individual circumstances vary, and while the process may be straightforward for some, it can present challenges for others. Bad credit, for instance, may significantly impact mortgage eligibility.

Fortunately, for those questioning the possibility of obtaining a Right to Buy mortgage in Bristol with bad credit, the answer is affirmative.

Although personal circumstances and the discretion of mortgage lenders play a role, engaging a mortgage broker in Bristol can offer potential options for securing a Right to Buy mortgage.


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How do I know if I have bad credit? 

The definition of bad credit varies among mortgage lenders. Some may consider missed credit card payments, phone contract payments, or loan instalments as indicators, while others may overlook such instances.

However, experiences like withdrawal, bankruptcy, or a CCJ attached to your name categorise you as having bad credit. In such cases, a decreased credit score can impact Right to Buy Mortgage eligibility in Bristol.

A lower credit score poses challenges in obtaining a mortgage, even with a panel of lenders specialising in bad credit mortgages.

What types of bad credit will have an impact on my Right to Buy mortgage?

Bad credit can have adverse effects on any mortgage, not just Right to Buy. Factors such as bankruptcy, Debt Management Plans (DMPs), Individual Voluntary Arrangements (IVAs), and repossessions can complicate mortgage approval.

Specialised mortgage lenders may consider applicants who have been discharged from bankruptcy for 3-6 years or completed DMPs and IVAs for at least 3 years. Repossessions, however, may make securing a Right to Buy mortgage difficult.

How does having bad credit affect a Right to Buy mortgage?

The likelihood of approval for a Right to Buy mortgage with bad credit often depends on the time elapsed since the credit issues. Attempting to improve financial situations, such as clearing CCJs and maintaining a tidy credit file, can enhance chances.

While this doesn’t guarantee approval, it provides potential options. Consulting a dedicated mortgage broker in Bristol, like Bristolmoneyman, with access to specialist lenders, is advised for tailored solutions.

If I have bad credit, do I need to put down a deposit for my Right to Buy mortgage?

For applicants using a Right to Buy mortgage to purchase a local authority home, the discount applied can often serve as an acceptable deposit.

However, for those with bad credit, the higher risk may lead mortgage lenders to request additional deposits, especially if the discount is equivalent to a smaller percentage. The flexibility may vary based on individual circumstances, tenure duration, and the mortgage lender.

A higher deposit, whether for Right to Buy in Bristol with bad credit or without, can open doors to better mortgage deals, reducing monthly payments or interest rates.

What is a Mortgage Broker in Bristol?

Whether you’re navigating the complexities of mortgages as a first time buyer in Bristol or you already have some prior experience with property ownership, the term “mortgage broker” may either ring a bell or remain a mystery to you.

Engaging a mortgage broker in Bristol, especially during a home move, can not only simplify your task but also alleviate the stress associated with the process.

Mortgage Broker in Bristol vs Your Bank

Here, we’ll delve into the key distinctions between utilising a mortgage broker in Bristol and relying on your bank.

Mortgage Products

Opting for your bank in your mortgage quest means you won’t incur a broker fee, potentially saving you money. However, banks are limited to their in-house mortgage products, whereas a mortgage broker in Bristol can explore diverse lenders to uncover the best product for your needs.

As a mortgage broker in Bristol, we have access to a range of lenders, both high street and specialist, enabling us to seek out competitive mortgage options. During your complimentary mortgage appointment with us, we conduct a free affordability assessment to identify accessible deals for you.


High street banks are often known for extended waiting periods to secure an appointment with a mortgage advisor, posing inconvenience, especially after having an offer accepted on a property.

Mortgage brokers in Bristol, like ourselves, offer flexible availability, allowing you to schedule a mortgage appointment at your convenience, even offering same-day availability on occasion.

Declined Application

If your mortgage application faces rejection from a high street bank, there’s a likelihood that other similar banks may follow suit. Mortgage brokers, with access to various lenders, including specialists, can explore alternatives tailored to your personal and financial situation if you’ve faced rejection.

If credit issues are a concern, our mortgage advisors in Bristol can guide you on improving your credit score and restoring financial stability.

Securing Your AIP

Banks and brokers share a similar turnaround time for obtaining an agreement in principle (AIP). Our mortgage advisors in Bristol can typically secure an AIP within 24 hours of your free mortgage appointment. If the AIP expires, simply reach out to us, and we can promptly renew it for you.

Customer Service

In terms of availability for queries or updates on your mortgage application, banks may not be readily accessible. On the other hand, contacting your mortgage advisor in Bristol is convenient, allowing you to receive quick responses and updates during the potentially stressful mortgage process.

Mortgage Broker in Bristol

As your dedicated mortgage broker in Bristol, our commitment is to guide you through every stage of your mortgage journey, regardless of your situation – whether you’re a first time buyer in Bristol or a buy-to-let landlord.

Our responsive service gives you the option to book a free mortgage appointment or arrange a call back online, putting you in control of your schedule. Alternatively, give our team at Bristolmoneyman a call, and we’ll connect you with one of our expert mortgage advisors in Bristol.

How to Save For a Mortgage in Bristol

For first time buyers in Bristol, the process of purchasing a home can seem overwhelming. One of the key aspects to consider is saving for a mortgage deposit. In this article, we’ll discuss effective strategies to help you achieve your savings goal.

Work out your savings goal

To determine how much you need to save for a mortgage, start by calculating your monthly disposable income. Subtract your expenses and monthly outgoings from your monthly income to estimate the amount you can allocate towards your mortgage savings. This will allow you to set realistic goals for your monthly savings.

Typically, when obtaining a mortgage from a high street lender, you’ll need to provide at least 5% of the property’s cost as a deposit. However, some first time buyers in Bristol aim to save a minimum of 20% or more. A larger deposit can lead to lower monthly payments and access to competitive mortgage deals with lower interest rates.

Additionally, it portrays you as a less risky borrower to lenders. To determine the exact amount you’ll need to borrow for a mortgage, consult with a mortgage advisor.

It’s also important to factor in the additional costs associated with buying a property. Consider setting aside some money for insurance or cover for yourself and your property, which can be provided by a mortgage and protection advisor.

Exploring government schemes in Bristol

As a first time buyer in Bristol, you may be eligible for various government schemes designed to assist with homeownership.

One such scheme is the Shared Ownership Scheme, which allows individuals who can’t afford a mortgage on 100% of the home to purchase a share of the property (typically between 10% and 75% of the home’s value) and make up the remaining share through rent.

Over time, you have the option to buy larger shares if you can afford to. For more information on these schemes, feel free to contact us or book a free mortgage appointment with one of our expert mortgage advisors in Bristol. You can also visit the government’s OwnYourHome website for further details.

Additional sources of help

A gifted deposit from a family member can significantly help you when purchasing your first home, potentially covering some or all of the required deposit. Unlike a loan, a gifted deposit does not need to be repaid.

Reviewing your outgoings is another effective way to save for a deposit. Take a closer look at your bills and subscriptions to identify any potential areas for cost savings. You may find cheaper deals for your mobile phone and broadband packages.

Additionally, reassess leisure services such as gym memberships or streaming services to determine if you’re getting your money’s worth or if there are more affordable alternatives available. By optimising your expenses, you’ll free up more funds to save towards your deposit.

Buying with a friend or partner in Bristol

Consider purchasing a property with a friend or partner as a viable option for getting on the property ladder and saving for a deposit. Buying with another person can expedite the savings process compared to relying solely on a single income.

However, it’s important to note that if one person defaults, the other individual may become responsible for the entire mortgage. There are different types of mortgages available for those buying with a friend or partner, including Joint Tenants and Tenants in Common. These options offer varying levels of ownership and flexibility in terms of selling or giving away shares of the property.

Saving for a deposit with bad credit in Bristol

If you have bad credit, obtaining a mortgage in Bristol may still be possible, albeit with higher interest rates that may necessitate a larger deposit. In this case, it’s advisable to begin by improving your credit score. Here are some strategies to consider:

– Register on the Voter’s Roll: Being listed on the electoral roll demonstrates stability to lenders. Ensure that all information on the form is accurate, including your name and current address.

– Stay Within Your Credit Limit: Maxing out your credit card each month can negatively impact your credit score. It’s best to use a credit card and pay off the balance in full each month.

– Meet Payment Deadlines: Paying bills on time and in full showcases your responsibility as a borrower. Well-managed, older accounts can positively influence your credit score.

– Build a Credit History: Having a history of credit, such as car finances, credit cards, and bill payments, can help companies assess your creditworthiness.

– Close Unused Credit Accounts: Contact your credit card providers to close any unused accounts. While this may temporarily lower your credit score, it can prevent potential fraud.

– Separate Financial Ties: Being financially connected to a family member or ex-partner can sometimes have a negative impact on your credit score. Contact the credit reference agency to request the removal of such ties.

Our expert mortgage advisors in Bristol

We’re here to support you throughout your mortgage journey. We offer free mortgage appointments with our mortgage advisors in Bristol, which you can easily book through our website’s “Get Started” process.

During these appointments, our experts will provide the guidance you need to achieve your mortgage goals.

Remember, saving for a mortgage deposit may seem challenging, but with the right strategies and professional support, you can make your dream of owning a home in Bristol a reality.

What Does a Mortgage Broker in Bristol Do?

Guiding you through the mortgage process

As a mortgage broker in Bristol, our primary goal is to support you every step of the way on your mortgage journey.

Our dedicated team is committed to finding a mortgage product that perfectly suits your personal and financial needs, while also helping you save valuable time and money.

What do we do?

Finding the perfect mortgage solution

As a mortgage broker in Bristol, we have access to a vast selection of mortgage options. With our extensive panel of lenders, we can explore thousands of mortgage products, including both high street and specialised deals.

Unlike traditional banks that are limited to their in-house products, we have the flexibility to find you the best deals available. By considering alternative options, you may discover opportunities to save even more.

Flexible appointments to suit your schedule

We understand that your schedule may be hectic, so we offer flexible mortgage appointments to accommodate your needs. Our team of mortgage advisors in Bristol are available seven days a week, with appointment slots available from early mornings to late evenings.

Whether you prefer to book online or over the phone, we’ve streamlined the process to make it simple and convenient for you.

Preparing your mortgage application with ease

During your free mortgage appointment, your experienced mortgage advisor in Bristol will conduct an affordability assessment to determine your borrowing capacity and identify suitable deals.

Once we find the perfect mortgage solution for your circumstances, we will guide you through the process of preparing your mortgage application. Our dedicated team will assist you in gathering the necessary documents to support your income and affordability.

As soon as we submit your application, we will keep you informed about its progress, ensuring a seamless experience. And when we receive positive news from the lender, we will share it with you right away!

Obtain your agreement in principle swiftly

In under 24 hours following your free mortgage appointment, our mortgage advisors in Bristol can secure an Agreement in Principle (AIP) for you.

This crucial document will support any offers you make on properties during the lead-up to your mortgage application. Typically, AIPs remain valid for 30 to 90 days. Should yours expire, simply contact our team at Bristolmoneyman, and we will renew it for you.

Long-term relationship

When the time comes for your remortgage in Bristol, we will reach out to ensure you are still on the best rates available based on your specific circumstances.

Our team will reassess your mortgage situation and explore various options with you, ensuring you make an informed decision that aligns with your financial goals.

Get in touch for mortgage advice in Bristol

If you have any questions or require mortgage guidance, our knowledgeable team is just a phone call away. We will connect you with a mortgage advisor in Bristol who possesses the expertise to provide tailored advice based on your specific situation.

Seeking mortgage advice in Bristol should be a priority when purchasing a property, especially if you are a first time buyer in Bristol or looking to move home in Bristol. Take advantage of our free mortgage appointment to explore all of your mortgage options.

Your Essential Mortgage Guide: Answering Your Top Questions in Bristol

Are you in search of valuable mortgage tips and guidance to help you on your homeownership journey? Within this article, our objective is to tackle your most pressing questions and offer invaluable insights to empower you in confidently navigating the world of mortgages.

Whether you find yourself as a first time buyer in Bristol or are considering a remortgage in Bristol, rest assured that we have your needs covered. Let’s work together to transform your homeownership aspirations into reality!

How much can I afford to borrow?

Evaluating your borrowing potential stands as a pivotal stage within the mortgage journey. Consider factors such as your income, outgoings, and existing financial obligations. You have the option to utilise online mortgage calculators for a preliminary approximation.

However, for a bespoke and precise evaluation, it is recommended that you speak with a specialised mortgage advisor in Bristol. They can craft an assessment that aligns with your individual financial circumstances.

Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to make informed choices, putting you on the track to securing your dream mortgage.

What are the current mortgage interest rates?

Maintaining a high level of awareness concerning interest rates is a fundamental aspect of making well-informed decisions.

To achieve this, it’s important to stay on top of financial news, read reliable websites, or seek the guidance of experienced mortgage advisors in Bristol. They can offer you real-time updates on interest rates, ensuring you remain current with market dynamics.

Your capacity to remain informed about prevailing market trends empowers you to make astute choices throughout your mortgage expedition.

For additional insights and regular updates on this subject, don’t forget to explore our YouTube channel, MoneymanTV, where we frequently share monthly market updates. Stay connected with the latest trends and knowledge to steer your mortgage journey in the right direction.

What types of mortgages are available?

Devoting time to explore various mortgage types is a prudent step on your homeownership journey. Among the options available are fixed-rate mortgages, adjustable-rate mortgages, and interest-only mortgages, each accompanied by its own unique features, advantages, and nuances.

To make a well-informed decision, it’s essential to embark on thorough research and consult with mortgage specialists.

By doing so, you can pinpoint the mortgage type that best aligns with your individual requirements and financial objectives, setting you on a path towards securing the ideal mortgage for your circumstances.

How can I improve my credit score?

Building a strong credit score is paramount when it comes to securing advantageous mortgage terms. This involves a commitment to punctual bill payments, maintaining a low credit utilisation ratio, and diligently reviewing your credit report for any inaccuracies or inconsistencies.

In the event that you face challenges related to your credit, there are reputable agencies that can offer valuable help and guidance, aiding you in enhancing your credit standing and positioning yourself for more favourable mortgage opportunities.

What documents are required for a mortgage application?

When it comes to standard documentation for mortgage applications, you can expect to provide evidence of your income, identification, bank statements, and a comprehensive employment history.

For a more customised list of necessary documents, tailored specifically to your individual circumstances, it’s advisable to engage with mortgage lenders or experienced mortgage advisors in Bristol.

They possess the expertise to walk you through the documentation requirements, ensuring a seamless and efficient mortgage application process.

Should I use a mortgage broker in Bristol or go directly to a mortgage lender?

Both options, using a mortgage broker in Bristol like us or directly approaching a mortgage lender, have their unique advantages.

Opting for a mortgage broker grants you access to a wide range of lenders, allowing for in-depth comparisons to secure the most favourable offers. On the other hand, approaching a mortgage lender directly can establish a direct relationship between you and the lender.

We recommend taking into account your personal preferences, conducting thorough research, and seeking recommendations to make an informed decision that aligns with your specific needs and objectives.

What are the associated costs and fees?

It’s important to keep a keen eye on expenses that go beyond the mortgage amount, including arrangement fees, valuation fees, legal fees, and potential early repayment charges.

To gain a comprehensive understanding of all the costs involved, carefully review fee schedules provided by mortgage lenders and consult with financial professionals who can provide expert guidance on these matters.

How can I save for a deposit?

Saving for a deposit requires discipline and meticulous planning. Begin by establishing a budget, identifying areas where you can trim unnecessary expense & investigate government schemes like Help to Buy in Bristol or Right to Buy in Bristol, each of which comes with its own set of eligibility criteria.

Furthermore, explore high-interest savings accounts or ISAs designed specifically for first time buyers in Bristol. These accounts can help expedite your savings process, bringing you closer to your homeownership goals.

What is the difference between a mortgage agreement in principle and a formal mortgage offer?

An agreement in principle serves as an initial estimate of the mortgage amount a lender may be willing to offer, typically based on fundamental information provided by the applicant.

In contrast, a formal mortgage offer represents a legally binding document in which the lender commits to providing the loan, subject to certain predefined conditions.

How long does the mortgage application process take?

The timeline for processing a mortgage application can be variable, with an average duration of several weeks to complete the entire process. Several factors come into play, including the type of property, your credit history, and how efficiently all required documents are submitted.

To enhance the efficiency of this process, it’s advisable to maintain close communication with your mortgage advisor and be prepared for potential delays that might arise.

Get Mortgage Ready!

Now armed with these important answers to your most pressing mortgage questions, you’re equipped to confidently set out on your mortgage journey.

Keep in mind the significance of consulting trustworthy mortgage advisors in Bristol, conducting comprehensive research, and maintaining a proactive approach every step of the way.

With these proactive measures, you’re poised to approach your homeownership aspirations with unwavering confidence, taking the necessary steps to transform them into a tangible reality! & Bristolmoneyman are trading styles of UK Moneyman Limited, which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

UK Moneyman Limited is Registered in England, No. 6789312 | Registered Address: 10 Consort Court, Hull, HU9 1PU.

Authorised and Regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority.

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